Name : Beauty Salon of Liaman and Zokhra

Liaman Bairamova and Zokhra Khudieva live in the village of Sadakhlo, Marneuli municipality. They own a beauty salon and always take care about customer satisfaction.

In order to expand their business and diversify the service, Liaman and Zokhra took part in a Women’s Economic Empowerment project supported by UN Women and were able to purchase additional inventory for the beauty salon. Now, many customers are satisfied with the service offered by their beauty salon. In addition they teach other woman how to do these business. In the future, they want to expand their business again and employ more locals in the beauty salon.

The project “Women’s Economic Empowerment through Social Mobilization and Capacity Building” is funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), implemented by Kakheti Regional Development Foundation (KRDF), Taso Foundation (TF), and CARE International in the Caucasus (CARE).

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Women's Initiatives

Women's initiatives funded under the project "Women's Ecnomic Empowement through Social Mobilization and Capacity Building (WEE)"