Name : Khatuna`s Confectionery

Khatuna Mghebrishvili lives in the village of Tsinubani in Akhmeta municipality. She cares about the well-being of her family and always wanted to start additional activities to help the family financially. As Khatuna baked delicious cakes and other products, she decided to open a confectionery.

To implement her initiative, Khatuna participated in the Women`s Economic Empowerment project supported by UN Women and purchased relevant inventory. Now, she offers a variety of choices to her customers: different cakes and cookies.


The project “Women’s Economic Empowerment through Social Mobilization and Capacity Building” is supported by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), implemented in Georgia by Kakheti Regional Development Foundation (KRDF), Taso Foundation (TF), and CARE International in the Caucasus (CARE).

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Women's Initiatives

Women's initiatives funded under the project "Women's Ecnomic Empowement through Social Mobilization and Capacity Building (WEE)"