Tsira Jashiashvili is an entrepreneur from the village of Khaishi in Tetritskaro Municipality. As part of a new initiative of the KRDF and the UN Women, Tsira has opened a bakery and is offering delicious bread to her customers.
Along with the success of her business, she plans to hire another local woman as well.
The project “Women’s Economic Empowerment through Social Mobilization and Capacity Building” is part of the UN Women’s regional project “Women’s Economic Empowerment in the South Caucasus”, which is funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). The project “Women’s Economic Empowerment project through Social Mobilization and Capacity Building” is implemented by Kakheti Regional Development Foundation (KRDF), Taso Foundation (TF), and CARE Caucasus (CARE).
Women's Initiatives
Women's initiatives funded under the project "Women's Ecnomic Empowement through Social Mobilization and Capacity Building (WEE)"