Name : Nergebi

The main activity of the cooperative "nergebi" in the Tsagery  municipality is  viticulture and wine making. They have Usakhelauri  and Tsolikauri vineyards.Its endemic grape varieties.

Initially, the main activity of the cooperative farmers was only grapes seedling production. After the group members decided to start wine production. With their own funds, they made wine only in their own cellers.

Through the project, the cooperative acquired all the equipment needed for wine, and the   was built with the participation of member farmers - a small European factory was added to the "seedlings" farm. The cooperative has the ability to produce grape and bottle itself. The cooperative is employed by the population of adjoining villages to perform various works.


In the future, the cooperative is waiting for more harvest of grapes and plans to expand the grapes of grapes and grapes and make up to 150 tons of grapes. This requires a larger area and processing and storage aggregates.


"Only 14-15 tons of wine can be stored by cisterns. We have 50-60 tons of grapes for Tsolikouri tanks, cisterns, special press and storage system. "


 The cooperative buys a certain number of grapes from the local population and helps them to realize it.

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